Contents |
Videos |
Materials |
1. Introduction to Complex Network
Part 1: Intro to complex network and what this course is about. Youtube
Lecture notes
Many from Moez Draief's slides.
2. Erdős–Rényi (ER) graph
Part 1: The most basic random graph. Youtube
Lecture notes
3. Galton-Watson branching process
Part 1: Definition and depth-first exploration. Youtube
Part 2: Breadth-first exploration and phase transition. Youtube
Part 3: One-by-one exploration. Youtube
Lecture notes
4. Chernoff bound
Part 1: Boudning the probability of rare events. Youtube
Lecture notes
5. Emergence of giant components
Part 1: Subscritical regime. Youtube
Part 2: Supercritical regime. Youtube
Part 3: Critical regime. Youtube
Lecture notes
6. Connectivity and Poisson approximation
Part 1: Story on the big picture. Youtube
Part 2: Convergence of random variables Youtube
Part 3: Poisson approximation (Stein-Chen method) Youtube
Part 4: When nodes are connected in ER-graphs Youtube
Lecture notes
7. Diameter of ER graphs
Part 1: Main results, meaning, and proof steps Youtube
Part 2: Proof step 1 Youtube
Part 3: Proof step 2 Youtube
Lecture notes
8. Small world I: Strogatz and Watts
Part 1: Result, meaning, and proof steps Youtube
Part 2: Martingale and Azuma-Hoeffding inequality Youtube
Part 3: Proof Youtube
Lecture notes
Martingale and Azuma Hoeffding inequality, pdf, pptx
9. Small world II: Kleinberg
Part 1: Result and meaning Youtube
Part 2: Theorem statement and proof step 1 Youtube
Part 3: Proof step 2 Youtube
Lecture notes
10. Background: Markov chain (MC)
Part 1: Discrete time MC Youtube
Part 2: Continuous time MC, Embedded MC Youtube
Lecture note 1, Lecture note 2
11. From micro to macro dynamics
Part 1: Story, functional LLN, Kurtz theorem Youtube
Part 2: Using Kurtz theorem, understanding SIS epidemics Youtube
Part 3: Doob's inequality, Gronwall's lemma, Kurtz thm proof Youtube
Lecture notes
Functional LLN and M/M/1 fluid model
12. Power laws via preferential attachment
Part 1: Preferential attachment (PA) algorhm Youtube
Part 2: Power-law degree distribution and heavy-tail behavior Youtube
Part 3: PA --> power-law degree distribution, Proof steps Youtube
Part 4: Coupling technique (guest lecture by Jiin Woo) Youtube
Part 5: Proof of main results Youtube
Lecture notes
13. Influence maximization
Part 1: Viral marketing and influence maximization problem Youtube
Part 2: Proof step 1 Youtube
Part 3: Proof step 2 Youtube
Part 4: Proof step 3 Youtube
Lecture notes
Influce maximization
14. Epidemics on general graphs
SIS (Susceptible-Infected-Susceptible)
SIR (Susceptible-Infected-Removed)
Lecture slides (pdf)
Lecture slides (pptx)
Made by Prof. Jungseul Ok at Postech.